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Pedal the Prom a Great Success!
Although we were a spread-out group of perhaps 40 to 50 cyclists, there were no problems with the other cyclists and pedestrians on the Prom. There’s lots of space for everyone, and the cyclists naturally slow down when it gets a little more congested.
We stopped at the western end of the Prom, where the cycle route just stops without any way to return to the roads. Splitting into two groups, one bunch walked along the seafront footpath and the other braved the road (I had the pleasure of getting some verbal abuse from a car driver who tried to overtake where there was a central pedestrian refuge).
We re-joined just west of the Sea Lane Café and relaxed on the green.
There were stalls from Transition Town Worthing and Sustrans, and JP from Quest was doing Dr Bike bicycle maintenance checks. 20’s Plenty for Worthing were also there, sharing the Transition Town table.
The raffle proved popular, especially with my son Tom who was very pleased to win a bicycle bell!
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