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This site is no longer active, but is kept as an archive of past cycle campaigning efforts.

West Sussex County Council

Job titles: 
Head of Highways & Transport
Effectively took over from Tony Toynton in January 2013 as the most senior officer in Highways & Transport.
Job titles: 
Principal Community Officer
Brian’s job is essentially getting involved with local people to improve their communities, and although not specifically Highways he is involved in Highways issues as well as everything else. His “patch” is Worthing and Adur.

I think Brian reports to Jen Bradbury

Brian is a cyclist and seems to naturally understand issues that cyclists have. He is also keen to discover more about local issues such as the Prom extension and the funding or lack thereof for this project.

Job titles: 
Community Highways Officer
Reports to: 
Brian Morgan
Apparently said that putting the dark blue sculpture in the middle of NCN2 at Lancing Beach Green was OK, as the sight lines were fine.

Not yet sure what area she covers, nor her job description.

Christine reports to Brian Morgan

Job titles: 
Community Safety Partnership Officer
Nick is responsible for overseeing 20’s Plenty in Worthing, a change that would make a huge difference to the safety and popularity of cycling in the town.
Job titles: 
Community Development & Big Society Manager, West Sussex County Council
Job titles: 
Service Manager for Community Development and Big Society
Job titles: 
Coastal Area Team Manager, West Sussex County Council
Job titles: 
(was Highways Manager)
Reports to: 
Duncan Barratt
* Became Coastal Area Team Manager in spring 2012.
  • Appears reasonably supportive of the “20’s Plenty” campaign.
  • Signed off the placing of the dark blue sculpture in the middle of NCN2 on Beach Green, Lancing, April 2012
Job titles: 
Senior Solutions Officer at West Sussex County Council
Job titles: 
(was Project Officer – Safer Routes to School at West Sussex County Council)
Job titles: 
(was TravelWise Officer at West Sussex County Council)
Greg was involved in putting together West Sussex County Council’s bid for central government’s Local Sustainable Transport Fund money. At the second attempt WSCC were awarded £2.3 million of government funding for sustainable transport projects in West Sussex, compared to the maximum available award per council of £5 million. Not bad, and a big injection of cash for sustainable transport. Let’s hope WSCC can spend it efficiently and wisely.
Job titles: 
Strategic Planning, Communities and Infrastructure Directorate
Darryl was Bid Manager for the Local Sustainable Transport Fund bid, submitted in spring 2012. The Senior Responsible Owner of the LSTP bid was Tony Toynton.
Job titles: 
Chairman of the Planning Committee
Job titles: 
Adviser to the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport on Cycling
Job titles: 
Member Cycling Champion
Derek, as Member Cycling Champion, is the person responsible for championing cycling as a mode of transport in West Sussex County Council. He sadly doesn’t seem to have much luck persuading the council that cycling is a top-class mode of transport that could solve many of the transport-related problems in the county with relatively little funding and effort.
Job titles: 
Director Communities and Infrastructure at West Sussex County Council
Left WSCC at the end of 2012, post effectively replaced by Head of Highways and Transport, Geoff Lowry. Twitter: @WSCCHighways
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