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Fix mess at Brooklands Park traffic lights

Submitted by Fonant on Wed, 2010-09-22 15:30

Wish type(s): New infrastructure, Safety Improvement

The junction arrangement is a mess, and the pavement cycle route has a nasty slalom between posts, just where pedestrians stand when waiting to cross the road.

This urban dual carriageway is unnecessary (it’s single carriageway on the same road before and after) so there’s plenty of room to provide a decently-wide cycle route.

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Brooklands traffic lights

Submitted by squeaker on Wed, 2011-01-19 12:10.
I fail to see the ‘gain’ from having a dual carriageway at these lights – always causes potential conflict as motorists jostle for place as the road goes back to a single carriageway. So change the westbound inner carriageway for a decent cycle path up to and across the junction, then improve the bus layby with the remaining space – sorted ;)

I find this more of an

Submitted by bicyclejohn on Thu, 2010-11-11 17:22.
I find this more of an inconvenience than a safety hazard. As a cyclist I’m not vulnerable here; I can slow down or stop. On a journey to Brighton it might cost me 15 seconds. You wouldn’t design a route like this, but the posts slow eastbound cyclists just where the narrowness could cause conflict with pedestrians. There is also the problem that there isn’t an obvious cheap fix.
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